

Carlos Adrian Correa Florez, MINES ParisTech PhD, PERSEE center




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EU-India Smart Grid Collaboration Workshop Hosted by GRID4EU

SafeWind a showcase of EU-India R&D collaboration

EU-India Smart Grid Collaboration Workshop Hosted by GRID4EU

The India Smart Grid Forum (ISGF), the European Commission (DG ENER) and the European Union delegation in Dehli are jointly organizing a series of Smart Grid workshops in India and Europe.

GRID4EU will host, thanks to its French Demonstrator in Nice (Projet NiceGrid, France), the first of the series on June 11th & 12th 2015. Top technical companies from Europe and a selected group of policy makers and network operators from India will participate. Experiences from European and Indian flagship Smart Grids demonstration projects will be presented.

This EU - India Collaboration workshop is one of the activities planned in the frame of the EU-India Energy Panel, which is co-chaired by the Government of India and the European Commission. During the India Smart Grid Week 2015 in March, both parties agreed on the importance of cooperation on Smart Grids.

In the frame of this workshop, Georges Kariniotakis will present the success story of an EU-India collaboration in the frame of the FP7 R&D project SafeWind. The Centre PERSÉE of MINES ParisTech/ARMINES was the coordinator of SafeWind in which TERI, the Indian Energy and Resources Institute, was a valuable partner to achieve the project objectives. 

GRID4EU - Mines Paris - PSL



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